

Durante el proyecto SCALE-UP se organizarán distintos tipos de actos para alimentar las colaboraciones entre múltiples agentes.

En las regiones destinatarias y fuera de ellas se organizarán una serie de actos, como cursos de capacitación.

CTA organiza un encuentro internacional en Linares sobre oportunidades de la bioeconomía del olivar

12 de junio de 2024

CTA (Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía), en colaboración con la Universidad de Jaén (UJA), la fundación Andalucía Emprende y la Circular Cities and [...]

SCALE-UP Project Study Tour Unveils Potential in Strumica, North Macedonia

20 de octubre de 2023

The SCALE-UP project's recent study tour in Strumica, North Macedonia, has proven to be a pivotal exploration of the region's bioeconomy potential, particularly in the domain of composting. [...]

SCALE-UP Project Presented at Clustering Event Promoting European Bioeconomy Collaboration

7 de julio de 2023

On July 5th, the renowned European project SCALE-UP took center stage at the Clustering event titled "Promotion of the Andalusian bioeconomy through European projects." Rafael Castillo, a [...]

SCALE-UP Project Showcased at Expobiomasa Professional Fair

9 de mayo de 2023

The SCALE-UP project was featured at the recent Expobiomasa professional fair held from May 9th to May 11th, 2023 at Feria de Valladolid (Avda. Valladolid). Organized by the Spanish Biomass [...]

CTA lanza la convocatoria SCALE-UP para iniciativas innovadoras que promuevan la bioeconomía del olivar en Andalucía

18 de abril de 2023

El plazo de solicitud finaliza el 29 de mayo y pueden presentarse empresas, entidades dedicadas a la investigación y organizaciones no gubernamentales. Enmarcada en el proyecto europeo [...]

Second Regional Platform Meeting for Bioeconomy Held in Strumica, North Macedonia

28 de marzo de 2023

The second meeting (meeting minutes) for the regional platform in Strumica was organized on March 28, 2023, in the Regional Center for Sustainable Development in Strumica and Vasilevo situated in the [...]

CTA lidera la Plataforma Andaluza de Bioeconomía del proyecto europeo SCALE-UP

9 de marzo de 2023

La plataforma reúne hasta el momento a once entidades entre empresas agroalimentarias, fondos de capital riesgo, instituciones del ámbito académico y administración [...]

Northern Sweden as a model and inspiration

23 de febrero de 2023

In cooperation with bioeconomy stakeholders in northern Sweden, BioFuel Region has organized the annual Swedish Bioeconomy Parliament in February 2023. The theme for the event was changes within the [...]

First regional platform meeting in Strumica, North Macedonia

7 de febrero de 2023

The kick-off meeting for the regional platform in Strumica was organized on the 7th February, 2023 in the municipal premises. Eight representatives from the Municipality of Strumica, NGO Planetum and [...]

TMG Organized the Austrian Regional Platform Kickoff Meeting

7 de febrero de 2023

The kick-off meeting for the regional platform in Upper Austria/Linz was organized on the 7th February 2023, in the premises of Business Upper Austria. It was organized as part of the advisory board [...]

SCALE-UP Community of Practice Meeting

16 de enero de 2023

Virtual event, 1 December 2022 The first joint online meeting with the members of the SCALE-UP Community of Practice (CoP) was held to get to know each other and to present the project’s [...]

SCALE-UP Cross-regional Assessment Workshop: presentations and report available

23 de noviembre de 2022

Virtual event, 22 and 23 November 2022 A cross-regional assessment workshop was held online in the framework of the SCALE-UP project. Partners and stakeholders from six SCALE-UP focal regions gave an [...]

Reunion inicial de SCALE-UP

16 de septiembre de 2022

Sevilla, España, 14-15 Septiembre 2022 La reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto SCALE-UP tuvo lugar los días 14 y 15 de septiembre de 2022 en Sevilla, España. Bajo la [...]

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