SCALE-UP held Regional platform meeting in Normandy for a demonstration of chopped straw

As part of the European project SCALE-UP, AC3A, the Normandy Regional Chamber of Agriculture, with the support of its partners, organised a day dedicated to straw-based materials for the building industry.

On Monday 15 April at the Boucles de la Seine Regional Nature Park in Normandy, 40 stakeholders in the building industry came together to discover an innovation in construction. After a presentation of the SCALE-UP project and the results of the study on straw availability in the region, the attendees had the opportunity to see a demonstration of insufflation of chopped straw for insulation purposes. The event was an opportunity to bring together all the stakeholders in the sector, from farmers and social landlords to architects and craftsmen.

Straw reduces the environmental footprint of construction and provides excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. But in addition to these advantages, chopped straw is quicker and easier to use, and has recently been covered by national regulations.

And only 5% of the straw produced in Normandy would be needed for all new buildings: a first step towards the widespread use of bio-based insulation.     

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